Radio Televizioni ShqiptarENTERTAINMENT Tirana (Tirana) 2023/05/08Radio Televizioni Shqiptar (Albanian: [ˈɾadiɔ tɛlɛviziˈɔni ʃcipˈtaɾ]; English: "Albanian Radio and Television"; mostly called RTSH [ɾətəˈʃə]) is the national public broadcasting company of Albania. Founded in 1938, it operates several radio and telev...
History and profileENTERTAINMENT Tirana (Tirana) 2023/05/08TV Klan launched as a Franco-Albanian joint-venture, with its first broadcast airing on 25 October 1997.[2] It is the first private TV channel in Albania. In 2002, ISO rated the channel as the most highly rated in Albania with 21.5% of audience share...
TV AlhijrahENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03TV AlHijrah is a state-owned Malaysian free-to-air Islamic television channel, owned and operated by Al-Hijrah Media Corporation, a company under the purview of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia of the Prime Minister's Department.[1] It ...
TV9 (Malaysian TV network)ENTERTAINMENT Petaling Jaya (Selangor) 2023/05/03TV9 (spelled as tivi sembilan) is a Malaysian free-to-air television network launched on 22 April 2006 as a subsidiary of Media Prima Berhad. It airs programming that tends mostly towards the Malay demographic. The channel formerly existed as Channel...
8TV (Malaysian TV network)ENTERTAINMENT Petaling Jaya (Selangor) 2023/05/038tv (Chinese: 八度空间) is a Malaysian Chinese-language free-to-air television (formerly both English and Chinese-language free-to-air television) network focused on the Chinese community of Malaysia. Its programming consists of mostly dramas, sitcoms an...
TV PendidikanENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03TV Pendidikan, also abbreviated as TVP (known as DidikTV KPM (under Media Prima Berhad)) is a Malaysian educational television network owned, produced and operated by Ministry of Education. The network will be airing educational programming for vario...
TV3 (Malaysian TV network)ENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03istem Televisyen Malaysia Berhad, operating as TV3 (pronounced as Tivi Tiga) is a Malaysian free-to-air television channel owned by Media Prima conglomerate. TV3 is the third and third oldest TV station in Malaysia. It was launched on 1 June 1984 as ...
Sukan RTMENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03Sukan RTM (lit. 'RTM Sports', formerly known as RTM HD, RTM HD Sports and RTM Sports, stylised as SUKAN rtm) is a Malaysian sports channel provided by RTM. The service was initially run as a trial from 2008, when it started during the Beijing Olympic...
Berita RTMENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03Berita RTM (lit. 'RTM News', stylised as BERITA rtm), also known as Saluran Berita RTM (lit. 'RTM News Channel'), or BES (Berita Ehwal Semasa, lit. 'Current Affairs News') is a free-to-air Malaysian television network owned and operated by Radio Tele...
TV OkeyENTERTAINMENT Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) 2023/05/03RTM TV Okey (stylised as Okey) is a Malaysian free-to-air television channel operated by Radio Televisyen Malaysia dedicated to East Malaysians and urban youths.[1][2] It was launched on 21 March 2018 and airs programmes in English, Malay, and East M...
Bangladesh TelevisionENTERTAINMENT Ramnagar (Dhaka) 2022/09/05Bangladesh Television (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ টেলিভিশন), commonly known by its acronym BTV (Bengali: বিটিভি), is the state-owned television network of Bangladesh. The network was originally established as the East Pakistan branch of PTV in 1964. It is the...
América TVENTERTAINMENT Villa de Mayo (Buenos Aires) 2022/08/30América TV (call sign LS 86 TV) is an Argentine television station broadcasting on channel 2 in La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, and one of Argentina's five national television networks. It is owned by Grupo América. América TV maintains s...
Public Establishment of TelevisionENTERTAINMENT (Algiers) 2022/08/30Public Establishment of Television (Arabic: المؤسّسة العمومية للتلفزيون, French: Établissement public de télévision French pronunciation), abbreviated as EPTV, is a state-owned company that manages the activity of television in Algeria, going from pr...
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